The brand of "Making"
Today we want to talk a little about us, but about us in the form of...a brand.
We are often asked what it means, what our brand stands for. That small sign in the center of the word FARE * TESSILE. The same sign that our customers find in our garments as a small and discreet distinctive "point".

And so we want to go into more detail of this "sign" and tell you about him ... Since its birth FARE TESSILE (literally MAKING TEXTILE) has wanted to gather around itself the profound and original reasons for a unique way of "making".
Our “doing”, which is expressed in “making textiles”, has distant reasons. Thus our Name tells of our mission. The story of a daily “doing”, day by day, done and redone, until it reaches its small perfection.
Not a simple rhetoric; but a “real doing”, rooted in “made in Italy”, which means “made” in Italy. The "doing" therefore as the practice of realizing an idea, from the project to the garment worn, which becomes one with the wearer and keeps it on himself.
Our brand wants to be a symbol of all this. It represents our point of reference, our distinctive, characterizing sign….
We looked for a sign that could be an extreme synthesis, a symbol and a sign, recognizable and easily declinable.
At the same time unique.
We have drawn a small sign that could resemble a star: a fixed, ideal and concrete, luminous point of reference.
But it could also be an asterisk, with its character of "focal point", to call attention and care, patience and attention that are in our work and in our creations.
But the asterisk often has 5 points, and is drawn asymmetrically.
The sign of FARE TESSILE has six points, and is dynamically symmetrical, stable, organized, solid, linear (see the image below from asterisk, to sign, to symbol).

But its archetype is an object that represents a point of reference in the textile tradition. This is the manual spindle for yarn.
Made of wood or metal, the manual spindle was used to collect the yarns. But this object was a sort of revelation for us because it collects all the elements we have described and embodies them in the process of "FARE TESSILE".
From here we have tried to summarize in a single graphic sign the strength of the meanings that represent our way of working for us.
We tried to make the lines softer starting from the center, in order to make a movement that expands from the center towards the extremities, a directed and controlled force, dynamic and symmetrical.

Our brand is placed on all our garments, on the left side.

Our little turquoise “sign of making” wants to be the synthesis of our whole “world”, of a way of doing and of a sign that we want to remain not only on our garments but also in the heart of the wearer.